Handy WSUS Commands

When im doing troubleshooting i always find random commands that help me along the way, this is the best of the best for WSUS.
Note: all are done at the commandline unless specified otherwise

wuauclt /detectnow
Explanation: Forcing an update/install of a client against the server, this command will force the client to check for new updates and install them if thats enforced in a group policy.

wuauclt /detectnow /reauthorize
Explanation: A variant that can be used when really trying to update a machine in the WSUS database.

wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization
Explanation: This will reauthorize the machine for WSUS updates,

All commands will create an entry in the windowsupdate.log file this is located in the root of your system root (usually WINNT or WINDOWS), make sure its the one without a space as the ‘windows update.log” file is different.

Explanation: This will send reports to the report server immediately.


wuauclt.exe is a wus client command-line utility, and according to deployment guide it has keys

/ D e t e c t N o w

/ r e s e t A u t h o r i z a t i o n


But if you open wuauclt.exe in any test editor, you can find FULL set of keys:

/ D e t e c t N o w

/ r e s e t A u t h o r i z a t i o n

/ R u n H a n d l e r C o m S e r ve r

/ R u n S t o r e A s C o m S e r v e r

/ S h o w S e t t i n g s D i a l o g

/ R e s e t E u l a s

/ D e m o U I

/ F a s t C o u n t d o w n

/ F a k e D a t a

/ F a k e R e b o o t

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