Managing Active Directory from the command line

Verify Domain membership

This Windows commands verifies  whether a domain controller is part of the domain membership.

From the command prompt   type netdiag /test::member .

If the domain verification test succeeds you should see a display message  stating  “Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed “ you may also use netdiag /test::member /vto list the domain controller name , the role that it performs  along  with   other  information including DNS domain name, Dns forest name, Domain Guid, Domain Sid, Logon User and Logon Domain.

Verify operations masters are online

These commands verifies that the operations masters   can be contacted are online and responding and

From a command prompt type:dcdiag /s: domaincontrollername /test:knowsofroleholders /v 

This command confirms that the operation masters are online and can be located.

You may also use the following command:

dcdiag /s: domaincontrollername /test:fsmocheck  to ensure connectivity

Verify replication between domain controllers

These commands verifies different areas of the replication topology are working properly

From a command prompt type :

dcdiag /test:replications   you may also use the following command  dcdiag /test:netlogons  to verify that permissions are set for proper replication.

A successful test would display “ ……… DCname passed test connectivity”


Verify DNS registration and functionality

These commands verifies that the DNS (Domain Name System) servers can be located and is functioning

From a command prompt type  netdiag /test:dns or dcdiag /test:dns on windows server 2008

If Domain Name System ( DNS) is working properly  one of the response that will be shown is DNS Test…..: Passed


Verify whether a domain controller is a global catalog server

These commands verify whether a domain controller is a labeled as a global catalog server.

From a command prompt type  netdom query fsmo

A complete list will display the server responsible for each of the  FSMO roles in your  active directory environment .

Or from the Active Directory Sites and Services expand the site container,  next expand the server container then select the Server object  to make viewable the  NDS Settings.

Right-click NDS Settings object and click Properties , on the General tab verify whether  the  Global Catalog  box is selected

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